Friday, 12 February 2016

Planning Tasks

Hi folks,
You now need to start having a look at the logistics of your film. The following things have to be done before you begin to film-

1. Actor research- who is needed, what should they look like, how should they act, dialogue, accent, movement

2. Costume research

3. Location recce and research

4. Setting research

5. Props research

6. You need to draw up a shooting schedule and diary. It may also be worth looking at things like weather forecasts for you film days. It will need to contain who needs to be there, equipment needed, storyboards and scripts for scenes, advice for actors, costume and props needed, travel details, timetables etc- all to help you manage your time and roles efficiently so that shooting goes smoothly. Everyone should contribute to and be able to access this information.

7. Allocation of roles and responsibilities- you need to outline and understand your role and duties in the group; try to use each others' area of strength and expertise

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